California faggot marriage campaign kicks off again.
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
2009-11-16 21:24:12 UTC

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to

In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.

Every state where the issue has been put before the voters, gay marriage
has been rejected, including California's 2008 passage of the ban known as
Proposition 8. Voters in Maine two weeks ago overturned a state law
allowing same-sex marriages.

"All eyes are on California now," said John Henning, executive director of
Love Honor Cherish, a California gay rights group, and one of the leaders
of an effort to gather a million signatures in order to place the measure
on the November 2010 ballot in California.

Signature-gathering began Monday after the state approved proposed ballot

The battle over the gay-marriage measure is expected to cost tens of
millions of dollars on both sides of the issue.

Bigger gay rights groups including Equality California have expressed
concern that next year's election may be too soon to change enough minds
to win the vote.

California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a union between a
man and a woman, passed with 52 percent support a year ago. The vote
surprised gay rights advocates nationwide and handed a major victory to
the social conservatives who oppose gay marriage.

California's top court earlier last year had legalized same-sex marriage.
The ballot language approved by the state to go before voters next year --
if supporters get a sufficient number of signatures -- states that the
measure "reinstates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry."
(¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2009-11-16 23:25:11 UTC
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]

[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---

California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!


Here in Iowa, our supreme court was UNANIMOUSLY egalitarian!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Every state where the issue has been put before the voters, gay marriage
has been rejected, including California's 2008 passage of the ban known as
Proposition 8. Voters in Maine two weeks ago overturned a state law
allowing same-sex marriages.
But thanks to a wonderful and proven TREND. this NEXT time in
California should trigger the ultimate and inevitable DOOM of the
hate-agendas of the loathsome cults and ignorant bigots ---

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
"All eyes are on California now," said John Henning, executive director of
Love Honor Cherish, a California gay rights group, and one of the leaders
of an effort to gather a million signatures in order to place the measure
on the November 2010 ballot in California.
Signature-gathering began Monday after the state approved proposed
ballot language.
The battle over the gay-marriage measure is expected to cost tens of
millions of dollars on both sides of the issue.
It'll be FUN to see those millions of dollars spent by BIGOTS go to
WASTE this time!!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Bigger gay rights groups including Equality California have expressed
concern that next year's election may be too soon to change enough minds
to win the vote.
SUGGESTION: Spread this LINK far and wide, and distribute
color PRINTOUTS of it all over California during the months to come:

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a union between a
man and a woman, passed with 52 percent support a year ago. The vote
surprised gay rights advocates nationwide and handed a major victory to
the social conservatives who oppose gay marriage.
A **TEMPORARY** "victory" for the bigots. Bigotry ALWAYS loses
in the end. Ask any former segregationist -- if you can find one. (See
also the SIG, below.)
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's top court earlier last year had legalized same-sex marriage.
The ballot language approved by the state to go before voters next year --
if supporters get a sufficient number of signatures -- states that the
measure "reinstates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry."
GOOD for the egalitarians!!!


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING FAST

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining
opponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that
hatefulness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising,
as is being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton <***@mchsi.com>

www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Bigotry
www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2009-11-17 00:58:46 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In article <***@4ax.com>
"(¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com> " <***@m.com>

Thanks. I'll be sure to vote against any gay marriage crap.
Post by (¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]
[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---
California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!
Here in Iowa, our supreme court was UNANIMOUSLY egalitarian!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Every state where the issue has been put before the voters, gay marriage
has been rejected, including California's 2008 passage of the ban known as
Proposition 8. Voters in Maine two weeks ago overturned a state law
allowing same-sex marriages.
But thanks to a wonderful and proven TREND. this NEXT time in
California should trigger the ultimate and inevitable DOOM of the
hate-agendas of the loathsome cults and ignorant bigots ---
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
"All eyes are on California now," said John Henning, executive director of
Love Honor Cherish, a California gay rights group, and one of the leaders
of an effort to gather a million signatures in order to place the measure
on the November 2010 ballot in California.
Signature-gathering began Monday after the state approved proposed
ballot language.
The battle over the gay-marriage measure is expected to cost tens of
millions of dollars on both sides of the issue.
It'll be FUN to see those millions of dollars spent by BIGOTS go to
WASTE this time!!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Bigger gay rights groups including Equality California have expressed
concern that next year's election may be too soon to change enough minds
to win the vote.
SUGGESTION: Spread this LINK far and wide, and distribute
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a union between a
man and a woman, passed with 52 percent support a year ago. The vote
surprised gay rights advocates nationwide and handed a major victory to
the social conservatives who oppose gay marriage.
A **TEMPORARY** "victory" for the bigots. Bigotry ALWAYS loses
in the end. Ask any former segregationist -- if you can find one. (See
also the SIG, below.)
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's top court earlier last year had legalized same-sex marriage.
The ballot language approved by the state to go before voters next year --
if supporters get a sufficient number of signatures -- states that the
measure "reinstates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry."
GOOD for the egalitarians!!!
The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America
Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---
-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING FAST
Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining
opponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that
hatefulness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising,
as is being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.
The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.
Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind
And *that* is EXTINCTION.
Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Bigotry
www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
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(¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2009-11-18 02:41:57 UTC
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]

[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---

California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!


Here in Iowa, our supreme court was UNANIMOUSLY egalitarian!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Every state where the issue has been put before the voters, gay marriage
has been rejected, including California's 2008 passage of the ban known as
Proposition 8. Voters in Maine two weeks ago overturned a state law
allowing same-sex marriages.
But thanks to a wonderful and proven TREND. this NEXT time in
California should trigger the ultimate and inevitable DOOM of the
hate-agendas of the loathsome cults and ignorant bigots ---

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
"All eyes are on California now," said John Henning, executive director of
Love Honor Cherish, a California gay rights group, and one of the leaders
of an effort to gather a million signatures in order to place the measure
on the November 2010 ballot in California.
Signature-gathering began Monday after the state approved proposed
ballot language.
The battle over the gay-marriage measure is expected to cost tens of
millions of dollars on both sides of the issue.
It'll be FUN to see those millions of dollars spent by BIGOTS go to
WASTE this time!!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Bigger gay rights groups including Equality California have expressed
concern that next year's election may be too soon to change enough minds
to win the vote.
SUGGESTION: Spread this LINK far and wide, and distribute
color PRINTOUTS of it all over California during the months to come:

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a union between a
man and a woman, passed with 52 percent support a year ago. The vote
surprised gay rights advocates nationwide and handed a major victory to
the social conservatives who oppose gay marriage.
A **TEMPORARY** "victory" for the bigots. Bigotry ALWAYS loses
in the end. Ask any former segregationist -- if you can find one. (See
also the SIG, below.)
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's top court earlier last year had legalized same-sex marriage.
The ballot language approved by the state to go before voters next year --
if supporters get a sufficient number of signatures -- states that the
measure "reinstates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry."
GOOD for the egalitarians!!!


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING FAST

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining
opponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that
hatefulness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising,
as is being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton <***@mchsi.com>

www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Bigotry
www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
Bill Taylor
2009-11-18 20:53:51 UTC
Post by (¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]
[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---
California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!
Gay marriage isn't a right, and it has nothing to do with human.
2009-11-19 11:29:27 UTC
Post by Bill Taylor
Post by (¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]
[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---
California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!
Gay marriage isn't a right, and it has nothing to do with human.
Sorry, Billy, but you are wrong. Some people say something similar
about different races, too.

The world has huge problems and the best way to solve huge problems is
to get the little stuff out of the way. Another way to put it. If you
have a son who is an aspiring football player and he wants to be able to
stay out till 2:00 a.m. on Saturday nights even though he is only 17 or
18, the parents have to weigh the risk of him possibly getting into
trouble with solving the kid's issue of freedom. If they say no to the
kid, it can affect his performance and his life's objectives directly or
indirectly but equally true the kid can be told yes and he gets into
trouble with the additional freedom or dies from a contributing

How this ties into rights for homosexuals is that society as a whole has
huge problems that the government of the day has to deal with. Spending
millions or billions on legal fees and court fees just to keep saying no
to any minority is not worth it in many cases when that money could be
better spent helping people who are raising children and need the
additional financial resources to move forward.

In Canada, for instance, the churches collectively spent millions or
billions of the congregation's collection plate money to fight the right
of homosexuals to get married. While that was happening the world went
on as it would have anyway. The many things that happened over that 10
to 20 year period of fighting homosexuals is that big corporations got
into trouble globally and screwed around with pensions and wages and
employees rights. Now, normally the Catholic church, the savation army
and many other power rich churches would have or could have lobbied and
fought for the congregation to have protection and change and
legislation to ensure that such destruction of employee rights and
benefits had protections build in if the changes had to take place over
time or to prevent some or all of the changes that destroyed some of the
social safety net and safe guards of employees over that 10 or 20 year
period. For instance, there is no daycare program in Canada. There
"ain't" a woman alive in Canada with children that doesn't complain that
half her daily wage each day goes to daycare to pay for the two kids
leaving little else for rising a family and paying bills. In case you
don't know, daycare in Canada is roughly $50 per child per day for
daycare. Very expensive.

So there you have it. Heterosexuals aren't in isolation anymore than
racial minorities are. We are all part of the planet and the planet
will succeed or fail based on what we do collectively. Think of all the
animals that have become extinct. They became extinct because they
acted alone maybe because of language or culture, if you can speak of
animals that way but one either adapts or one vanishes.

Now for the fasinating part. Homosxuals are for the most part asexual I
think is the term. They don't procreate. So they will become extinct
real fast. But homosexuals are made by heterosexuals - to be specific,
it takes two heterosexuals to produce one homosexual. So since the
beginning of them the heterosexuals produce roughtly one homosexual
offspring for each 10 heterosexual offspring that are produced. There
are two ways of looking at that. For each five family units (marriages)
1 homosexual is produced if all the heterosexual family units produce
offspring. In the case of families, it takes 10 offspring within a
family unit, to produce one homosexual offsping. So that might be a
brother, or third uncle or greatgrandfather that was a homosexual. It
is strictly a numbers game left unattended. Now, if heterosexuals
actually feared or worried or thought they could produce a homosexual
offspring, they would and could be more careful to reduce the odds or
stretch the odds leaving other family units, if you will permit the
language, to have a higher ratio of homosexuals within a offspring
production statistics. But ironically since the beginning of time in
the same way that people think they won't die - even tough they
technically know they will because we all do, these same people also
think they won't be producing any homosexuals kids. Most adult
homosexuals can instantly observe the family's setting that predisposes
the production of homosexuals, but heterosexuals won't hear of it, so it
becomes a waiting game - a very long waiting game, like 22 or 23 years
before it is confirmed. Often parents don't know and relatives and
friends don't know because the person is still in the closet or obvious
signs are more conservative or missed by the observing people that the
person is or night be homosexual. Facinating, isn't it.
(¯`·.žCraig Chiltonž.·Ž¯) <www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2009-11-19 15:09:17 UTC
[[[ DISHONEST attempt to DIVERT follow-up posts has
been THWARTED! This response is going to the
original crosspostings. ]]]

[[[ IGNORE the hateful subject header above. HERE is
the ACTUAL headline of the article... ]]] ---

California Gay Marriage Campaign Kicks Off
by Peter Henderson (Reuters News Service)

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:24:12 +0000 (UTC),
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Gay marriage advocates on Monday launched their
effort to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban, hoping to become
the first U.S. state to convince voters to approve gay people's right to
In the five U.S. states where gay marriage is permitted -- Iowa,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont -- the right was
achieved through court and legislative action.
Yep. INTELLIGENT courts and legislatures!! OFTEN well ahead of the
curve in supporting and according human and civil rights!!


Here in Iowa, our supreme court was UNANIMOUSLY egalitarian!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Every state where the issue has been put before the voters, gay marriage
has been rejected, including California's 2008 passage of the ban known as
Proposition 8. Voters in Maine two weeks ago overturned a state law
allowing same-sex marriages.
But thanks to a wonderful and proven TREND. this NEXT time in
California should trigger the ultimate and inevitable DOOM of the
hate-agendas of the loathsome cults and ignorant bigots ---

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
"All eyes are on California now," said John Henning, executive director of
Love Honor Cherish, a California gay rights group, and one of the leaders
of an effort to gather a million signatures in order to place the measure
on the November 2010 ballot in California.
Signature-gathering began Monday after the state approved proposed
ballot language.
The battle over the gay-marriage measure is expected to cost tens of
millions of dollars on both sides of the issue.
It'll be FUN to see those millions of dollars spent by BIGOTS go to
WASTE this time!!
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
Bigger gay rights groups including Equality California have expressed
concern that next year's election may be too soon to change enough minds
to win the vote.
SUGGESTION: Spread this LINK far and wide, and distribute
color PRINTOUTS of it all over California during the months to come:

Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a union between a
man and a woman, passed with 52 percent support a year ago. The vote
surprised gay rights advocates nationwide and handed a major victory to
the social conservatives who oppose gay marriage.
A **TEMPORARY** "victory" for the bigots. Bigotry ALWAYS loses
in the end. Ask any former segregationist -- if you can find one. (See
also the SIG, below.)
Post by Bring It On, Prepare To Lose Again
California's top court earlier last year had legalized same-sex marriage.
The ballot language approved by the state to go before voters next year --
if supporters get a sufficient number of signatures -- states that the
measure "reinstates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry."
GOOD for the egalitarians!!!


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING FAST

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining
opponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that
hatefulness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising,
as is being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton <***@mchsi.com>

www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Bigotry
www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
