Queers try lying about AIDS & STD's again. GAY MEN are the WORST SPREADERS. Re: The Red State Bible Belt suffers from AIDS as bigots ignore human suffering
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
Obama Health Department
2009-11-16 21:39:07 UTC
"The South leads the nation in the percentage of AIDS-related deaths.
Yet, the region ranks last when it comes to overall federal dollars
spent on an HIV-infected person at $6,565 a year, according to the
Forty-six percent of new AIDS cases in 2007 were in the South,
according to the latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Twenty-five percent of the new cases were in
the Northeast, and 17 percent in the West."
63 percent of syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men.

Blacks, who represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for
about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all
chlamydia and syphilis cases in 2008.


Try citing current statistics. Queers...stupid and always trying to lie
about their degenerate lifestyle and the associated risks.

Queers must be kept away from school children at all costs.
2009-11-17 05:29:35 UTC
Post by Obama Health Department
"The South leads the nation in the percentage of AIDS-related deaths.
Yet, the region ranks last when it comes to overall federal dollars
spent on an HIV-infected person at $6,565 a year, according to the
Forty-six percent of new AIDS cases in 2007 were in the South,
according to the latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Twenty-five percent of the new cases were in
the Northeast, and 17 percent in the West."
63 percent of syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men.
True, among those who reported the gender of their sexual partner.
20% of the total number did not either because the state does not
collect that data or the person refused to supply it. 49.7% of all
syphilis cases were in the South.

However I was not breaking down the AIDS numbers by sexual practices.
My point is that among the red states and in the heart of the so-
called Bible belt, the rates of in crease for HIV infection are the
highest in the country. That is a human tragedy which is preventable
but instead is being ignored by the governments of those states.
Preventable deaths, regardless of the sexual orientation of the person
dying, are always a tragedy. It is also a sin of the deepest sort in
Post by Obama Health Department
Blacks, who represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for
about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all
chlamydia and syphilis cases in 2008.
Not surprising as the CDC studies indicate that the prevalence of
communicable disease tracks most directly, lack of education, poverty
and lack of access to medical treatment. The largest concentrations
of gonorrhea and syphilis were in the south and the Midwest.
Post by Obama Health Department
Try citing current statistics.  Queers...stupid and always trying to lie
about their degenerate lifestyle and the associated risks.
Odd you make this claim as if you bothered to read the report you
cited above you would find it supports what I said. I cited to an
Associated Press report released today which discussed the rates using
the 2007 figures. That does not make me a liar.

Of course what you fail to note is that the numbers of men reporting
these STD's is a very small percentage of the total MSM population.
For example the number of MSM's who tested positive for syphilis was
less than 8000 cases out of a total estimated population of
15,203,000 men. In addition of MSM tested for HIV at STD clinics
while there for treatment of other STD's, 3% tested positive for HIV.

My personal opinion is that it is a scandal that in the 21st century
we still have over 300,000 cases of gonorrhea for example in a given
year [2008]. It is a scandal that after decades of declines in
syphilis, these rates have risen in the 2000's. Of course the reasons
for these problems among others can be laid directly at the decreases
in public health funding for education and treatment of STD's

Even in the issue of HIV prevention, the rates of HIV infection among
gay white males has decreased but the rates among minority youth have
risen through the roof both in the gay and heterosexual communities.
The reason is simple. There has been a decrease of funding for
prevention targeting these populations. Instead of realistic
approaches to disease prevention, our political leaders and religious
leaders have fallen back on the old adage "just don't do it" which has
worked about as well as it has in controlling drug use, that is very
little. Now there is nothing wrong with telling people that the
surest way not to get an STD is to not have sex but one cannot ignore
that people will have the urge to do so and will act upon the urge.

Bigotry, racism, and homophobia not to mention an extremely judgmental
attitude on the part of some religionists directly impact the
availability of prevention programs and treatment of these diseases.
But you already knew that didn't you.
