Post by LamontPost by FPPPost by LamontPost by FPPOn 2015-01-20 18:54:28 -0500, "Hillary and Boko Haram"
Post by Hillary and Boko HaramIt could even be higher than that.
'Specially if you use Mitt Romney's pollster to crunch the numbers!
How's that Romney LANDSLIDE workin' out for 'ya?
How's hopey changey working for the country?
First and last Negro president in the US.
Universal Healthcare. (No caps, no pre-existing conditions, etc.)
Economic catastrophe averted.
Deficit reduced by half.
5% growth rate.
Doubled stock market.
Wall Street reform.
Consumer Protection Bureau.
Detroit rescued.
Gas prices at historic lows.
Unemployment under control.
So, yeah... that hopey changey thing is working pretty good for me.
Thanks for asking.
-You have overly costly, broken Socialized Medicine, and decreased
quality of medical care.
-You have an economic catastrophe with loss of America's bond rating.
-Deficit lowering, but Obama has increased national debt to an
astounding 8 Trillion, which is more than all previous Presidents in
-Stock market pumped $ 2 Million a day by Obummer and money being
printed constantly, lowering the value of the dollar in the high stock
market. Stock market also driven by foreign investment in American
companies that operate in other countries.
-Consumer Prection Bureau? Were these the people who helped the
Attorney General smuggle over 2000 assault weapons to the Mexican drug
cartels resulting in dead US agents and over 400 Mexican civilians?
-You need to go to Detroit to see if it is "rescued." It's rescued like
Haiti is rescued.
-Gas prices are at the level of when G. W. Bush was President. They are
low in spite of Obama. Obama has resticted drilling permits by one half
and none for off shore. Free enterprise and private investment found
ways to extract oil in spite of Obama's obstructionist policies and
veto of Keystone.
-More unemployment than any time since the Great Depression. More
people on food stamps than ever in history. More people on government
welfare than ever in history.
Your boy is a failure. Worse than Jimmy Carter could ever dream. Word
is that since Obama and his numerous failures, Rosalyn Carter is giving
Jimmy head again.
100% wrong, again.